Recommended Continuing Education in Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain


Orofacial Pain: Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management, 5th Ed., Reny de Leeuw, editor

Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion, Jeffrey Okeson  NOTE:  The new 7th Edition includes excellent online study tools provided by the publisher.  Go to

OrofacialPain and Headache, 2nd Ed., Yair Sharav, Rafael Benoliel, Ed.

Orofacial Pain:  From Basic Science to Clinical Management, Barry Sessle, Gilles LaVigne, James Lund

Bell's Oral and Facial Pain, Jeffrey Okeson, editor  Rated Excellent by 100% of evaluators in Gordon Christensen's Clinician's Report, Nov, 2014

How Doctors Think, Jerome Groopman, MD, 2007.  Note:  While this book does not mention jaw disorders or orofacial pain, it is an excellent text for illuminating how critical the diagnostic process is for any medical condition, and the likelihood that treatment will be unsuccessful or inappropriate if the differential diagnostic process is curtailed or ignored.

Clinical Courses

Excellent Training DVD’s, and Continuing Education Courses, and Mini-Residencies:

Dr. Jeff Okeson

LSU Orofacial Pain Continuum 

Contact: 504-941-8193

UCLA TMD/Orofacial Pain Mini-Residency

Contact:  310-206-8388